
Exam test generator
Exam test generator

exam test generator

Doing all these things manually is a very cumbersome process and costly as well (Think about the cost of experts and faculty!) and the cost grows exponentially as the quality of the test paper is raised. It involves lot of man power of any organization like senior person to take decision for conducting test, expert of the exam for providing guideline for the pattern of the test paper, experts of the subjects for selecting or forming questions to be asked in the test, then DTP operator for cut- paste from existing question bank or typing new questions. Test paper creation or preparing a question paper is one of the most important process’ in any educational or training organization. Ultimate and unmatched quality of Intelligent Test/Question Paper Generation Above all just by making certain changes in a particular question you can save it as new question hence CHRONON can create even new questions for you ! More over if you think that a particular question is misplaced or incorrectly classified, using just few clicks you can move and transfer that question in appropriate place. Using any of or all the criteria mentioned above you can search and view the questions. Not only this can you attach some information like if certain question has been asked in a particular year in any exam like IIT-JEE or UPCE etc.! You can classify questions according to their use in a particular Exam or they belong to a particular subject or to a chapter of a subject or they belong to a particular topic of a chapter of a subject! Further you can classify questions according to their difficulty level that is easy medium or difficult. Ultimate manager of your question bankĬHRONON provides you the facility to manage all your questions and retrieve them according to your criteria virtually within no time. Even if you have various similar (not Duplicate!) questions on same concept and different test papers are created on same concept CHRONON will ensure the uniqueness of all the papers using all your questions intelligently and hence apart from providing the optimum use of your question bank it is also raising the standard of test conducting process in your organization. Using CHRONON you can use every question of your question bank at the most suitable place of your question paper.

exam test generator

Unstructured and non systematic storage of questions in the computers makes it almost impossible to explore and analyze each question every time when a question paper is prepared. Generally, while preparing question paper faculty merely focus over completion of the criteria for the test paper by selecting the appropriate number of questions but due to lack of time it is difficult for them to explore all the questions available in their question bank in order to place the most suitable question in the test paper. Group (Common data) Subjective or descriptive type (CBSE Board exams ) Optimum use of the question bank of the institutes

Exam test generator