The Roughnecks look up to see T'Phai sitting on a ledge above them, holding a gun nonchalantly. Abruptly, the enemy is zapped with an X-ray blast. Higgins goes to help him, but a skinny is sneaking up on them from behind. During battle, Lieutenant Razak is hit by constrictor spray. In "The Face of Truth", after he's freed from his Control Bug and the Roughnecks are storming the Xylon mine, they tell him to sit tight while they handle things. Bear in mind that you normally need to put half a magazine into one of those things to take it down. The episode "D-Day" gives pretty much everyone a CMoA, but special mention goes to T'Phai, for killing three Warrior Bugs.with three bullets.Rico and T'Phai's Batman Gambit in "And Then There Were Two", followed by them teaming up against the Giant Spider.And then follows it up with a psychic duel with the Brain Bug, with impressive results. Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles Der stets kampfbereite Rico, Jenkins mit seinen telepathischen Fhigkeiten und die furchtlose Soldatin Floes gehren zu einer Elite-Einheit, deren Mission darin besteht, eine kleine, aber gefhrliche Population vvon tdlichen Insekten auf dem Pluto zu eliminieren. In the final episode of the Hydora campaign, "Sole Survivor," Carl's Big Damn Heroes moment when he saves The Squad from the Brain Bug's army with dual triple-barreled rocket launchers.